This is something I see in a lot of Sass demos and tutorials. People tend to use strings instead of actual lengths, and if it’s okay in most cases, there are a couple of situations when it is not anymore.

But first, let me introduce the topic because you probably wonder what the hell I am talking about. Nothing better than a little example for this.

$value: 13.37;
$length: $value + em;

whatever {
padding-top: $length;

I want to play a game… This example: working or not working?

Well obviously, it works like a charm. That’s probably why you can see it so much in so many Sass demos.

The problem

Then you ask "if it works, why bother?". That’s actually a very fair question. Let’s continue our example, shall we? What if we apply — let’s say — the round() function to our length?

$rounded-length: round($length);

Aaaaaand… bummer.

"13.37em" is not a number for 'round'.

Same problem with any function requiring a number (lengths are numbers in Sass) like abs(), ceil(), floor(), min()… Even worse! The unit() function will also fail to return the unit.

This is because there is no unit since it’s now a string. When you append a string (in this case em) to a number (13.37), you implicitly cast it into a string.

Indeed, if you check the type of your variable with the type-of() function, you’ll see it’s not a number but a string.

type-of($length); // string

The solution

There is a very simple solution. Instead of appending the unit, simply multiply the number by 1 unit. For example, 3 apples is strictly equivalent to 3 times 1 apple, right? Same thing.

$value: 13.37;
$length: $value * 1em;

whatever {
padding-top: round($length); // 13em

Problem solved! Please, use lengths when you need to, not strings.

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