Placing a small piece of text as a corner ribbon of a box is a little tricky as it involves some trigonometry. The following class should work, provided it is inserted in a parent with position: relative.

<div class="parent">
<span class="ribbon">Free</span>

The following styles only included the required declarations for the ribbon positioning. Any aesthetic concern is left to the author.

* 1. Start absolutely positioned in the top right corner of the
* container.
* 2. Horizontal padding is considered in the ribbon placement.
* The larger the ribbon (text + padding), the lower in the
* container it might have to be.
* 3. Make sure the content is centered within the ribbon itself.
* 4. Position the ribbon correctly based on its width, as per
* the following formula: `cos(45 * π / 180) * 100%`.

.ribbon {
position: absolute; /* 1 */
top: 0; /* 1 */
right: 0; /* 1 */
padding: 0 2em; /* 2 */
text-align: center; /* 3 */
rotate(-45deg); /* 4 */
transform-origin: bottom right; /* 4 */

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